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Well, there was a mistake and they did not need me and I went back home. I called wife and she said there was no reason to come up, just relax and celebrate the day. So, I got on the computer and was looking up usual sites and of course led me to porn, lol, I am a guy. As I was scrolling around I got an instant message, from let's call him Jon. Jon, was a guy that I had met on a popular date site. We both chatted off and on a few times and swapped some pics, even had cyber sex couple times. Jon was very bicurious, my heigth and size, white guy, he was married to a 5'1" Asian lady. She had coal black hair small tits, but an ass that was small and tight, she had chatted and cybered with us, the last time, she was on a trip and was messaging me and her husband seperately, controlling the conversation and all three of us getting off. She admitted that she loves to dominate her husband. I jokingly said then why not dominate him with my cock, lol. This was few months back. . We chatted like this for the 10 minuets it took to unpack then Mark suggested we go and have a game of tennis. Last time we had played it had been a few years ago and he had won easily, but since then I had had a series of lessons and had recently represented my school in a county cup and won. But he didnt know. We walked down with him boasting good naturedly about how he would wipe the floor with me. He got the rackets and balls out of the shed and led the way inside the tennis court. We started with a simple rally until he smashed it back at me expecting me to miss it but I got to it easily knocking it just over the net to score. We spent the next hour playing with me winning consistently and Mark getting more and more and more desperate to beat me just once. we got to a game point in his favour I smashed it into his court and he flailed at it just hitting it causing it to rise up into the air but it started to come back down still on his side I Laughed at him but saw the glint in.
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