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Brad was lost in the excitement of wild, uninhibited sex with a hot aggressive female, that they were kin had no bearing on what he and she were doing. Morgan was focused on what he was doing between her thighs, the feel of his quick wet tongue caressing her while he pressed into her with a finger. It started where the tip of Brad’s long finger was, her orgasm swelled as a balloon, growing larger, stretching until it burst. The girl cried out as her body bowed, jamming her cunt down on her brother’s face. She lifted her head into air and sang a song of rapture to the moon as she convulsed. She lifted off Brad then fell to his side unable to do anything but heave for cooling air. As the afterglow of the orgasm faded she turned to face him, put her lips on his for a kiss filled with satisfaction and bliss. Being a good boyfriend Brad was always prepared. Since Marlene had to go home early he still had a condom in his pocket so he fished it out and tore open the wrapping. . After becoming used to the size of her smaller life-sized dildo in my throat, I had a hard time even getting my mouth around this large black b**st of a cock. I wished my jaws could unhinge. Soon I was gagging, my eyes watering and I had to pull back so that I could breathe.I heard Cindy laugh. "That's enough. You've done your best. Come here."I turned from where I was kneeling on the bed. She pulled me closer to her and kissed me passionately."Now, let's have some real fun," she whispered in my ear. "Hands and knees."What in hell am I doing, I asked myself. I got on my hands and knees on the bed. Cindy was in no hurry. She knelt behind me and started flicking her tongue over and around my asshole, then stuck it in as deep as it would go. I groaned in sybaritic pleasure as she lavished her attention on my ass. Then she danced her tongue up my peritoneum to my balls and then dropped back to my asshole. As far as I was concerned, she could eat my ass forever and for a while it seemed.
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